Wednesday, February 29, 2012

#54 Pioneer Experiences

(Or from. Take your pick.)

My last post, the one about the weather, has held true. MOST of the time. Today we had high winds and heavy snow. I don't know if it was, but I'm going to say it was a blizzard. And I had to walk through it with some friends. It was pretty miserable and we arrived at the next building soaked from the melted snow. We joked that we would have never would have survived as pioneers, and I'm glad we don't have to find out. Actually, if past is prologue, all this snow will be melting and flooding tomorrow. Find me a wheel, I'll put my shoulder to it.

Monday, December 5, 2011

#53 The Lack of Snow

There's been a lot of construction on campus this year. Two major quads are being redone, so getting around campus is a little harder than usual. Both projects are taking longer than anticipated--but at least the snow isn't holding them up. Snow hasn't stuck for more than a few days at a time this semester. So maybe by the time the nasty storms come and the ground freezes, it'll all be done. It's looking really good so far. May it be finished soon.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

#52 We're all big kids up here. In the best way possible.

The floating lanterns were the cutest part of Tangled. I was outside tonight and I saw one. Somebody must've spent their Saturday date night figuring out how to make one. It was awesome.

Going around Rexburg (close to campus, anyway), you see little things like that. We know how to have good, clean fun around here, and we're not ashamed to use Disney as inspiration. 

Sunday, November 6, 2011

#51 The Student Ward

The ward I'm in right now is my third student ward since I came to BYU-Idaho. This is my third student ward, and I've been in this ward for longer than any other. One of the perks of going to a church school where you have to live in approved housing is that your ward is easy to figure out. (Or your Relief Society at the very least.) But I've been really blessed to have the associations I have in my wards up here. I'm moving to a new apartment (and new ward) next semester, and I'm excited for the opportunities and friends I'll find there.

Monday, April 4, 2011

#50 Babies.

Let's set the record straight. Only 24% of BYU-Idaho students are married. (According to this news release from the school, anyway.) But you see them everywhere. How can you tell? They have their kids with them. And it's the sweetest thing in the world.

Today one girl in my journalism class had to bring her one-year-old daughter to class. The 96 percent or so of us in the class who are single and female were just enthralled.

I love that people here follow the counsel of prophets to not let the expenses and stress of education get in the way of establishing their families. I bet more campus would be as happy as we are if there were more babies (with married parents, that is).

Monday, March 21, 2011

#49 You Can Trust the Candy

A stranger offered me candy today. I took it.

My neighbor was studying in the library the other day when some girls came through giving out fresh-baked cookies to weary students. People took the cookies without a question.

At another school, it would be hard to trust those sweets. You never do know when you'll end up with a spiked drink or a special brownie. That's one of the reasons I'm thankful for the Honor Code and the kind of people who come here. Our high standards allow us to serve each other and accept service from others, to progress a little more.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

#48 Learning By Osmosis

We tried.
We really did.
Unfortunately, it doesn't work.